Thursday 26 November 2015

What did the Romans do for us?

Today, Year 3/4 were visited by the Romans!

The Romans wanted to convince us Celts of the benefits of becoming Roman citizens in Britain (apparently you don't have to live in Rome to be a Roman citizen!)

As Celts, we were very suspicious but enjoyed finding out about the benefits of living in Roman Britain.

We examined lots of Roman artefacts.

Can you guess for what these Roman artefacts would have been used?

We discovered what life would have been like for children in Roman times.

And, we learned what was involved in being part of the Roman Army.

We spoke Latin!

And made our own Roman scrolls and Celtish or Roman faces from clay.

We played Roman games!

At the end of our Roman day, we performed a play about the Roman Invasion of Britain.

Finally, we decided that we wanted to stop fighting and become Romans because of all the good things they had brought to Britain!

We did lots of other things as well!
Ask us what we learned about the Roman Invasion of Britain!

We have had such a fantastic day!  Thank you to everyone who made, bought and found costumes, and sourced authentic food.  It really helped to make our day very special.